RVTEX is the official Website for Transtech Solutions Occupational Safety & Health Training & Consultants LLC.



Electrical Engineering TRAINING


Our courses, seminars, and workshops feature a balanced fusion of theory, practical application, and industry best practices.

We bring together the most brilliant engineers and highly experienced specialists, and instructors.

Balanced Power Disturbances
& Analysis Course

Upgrade knowledge on balanced disturbances and understand types of balanced disturbances and their consequences on power systems.
Mastering Manual calculations and analysis of different balanced disturbances, Building capital and confidence to face emergency power disturbances, and Selecting and specifying electrical equipment to withstand balanced disturbances.
Better Understanding and dealing with computer programs for balanced power disturbances.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Orientation on Understanding of Power
Systems Course

Orientation on the power system to fill gaps of required electrical knowledge for fresh electrical graduates, Joining electrical utilities.
To Understand the historical development of power systems and understand different types of prime energies and conversion to other energies.
To Know the conversion of prime energy to electrical energy.
To Know the theory and design of power transformers/ cables/OHL lines and switchgear, and understand low voltage systems and consumer electrical systems.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Components of Protection Systems Course

Knowing the History and Philosophy of protection systems.
Upgrade knowledge on components of protection systems.
Knowing the design and theory of fuses and protection relays.
Knowing the design and theory of current and voltage transformers.
Be able to convert primary/secondary currents and voltages.
Knowing tripping systems of protection relays.
Knowing types of protection communication systems.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Unbalanced Power Disturbances &
Analysis Course

Upgrade knowledge on unbalanced disturbances and understanding of types of unbalanced disturbances and their consequences on power systems, Mastering Manual calculations and analysis of different unbalanced disturbances.

To gain calculated data for settings of protection systems.
To build capability and confidence to face an emergency of power disturbances, Electrical equipment to withstand unbalanced disturbances, and Better Understanding and dealing with computer programs for unbalanced power disturbances.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Protection Systems of H.V Networks Course

Upgrade knowledge on varieties of H.V protections.
Knowing protection schemes for different electrical equipment and circuits, and understanding the behavior of protection systems to different power disturbances.
To Be able to specify, select and approve protection schemes.
Accelerate analysis and detection of faults by protection response.
To be able to improve and enhance protection systems.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Protection Systems of L.V. &
Consumers Course

Upgrade knowledge on safety and protections for L.V network and consumers.
Knowing electrical faults in L.V and hazards for consumers.
Knowing different types of protections inside houses.
Knowing different types of protection for L.V networks.
Gain knowledge to select and specify safety earthing equipment and protection devices.
To have precautions and confidence to deal without panic with L.V faults and hazards inside houses.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Power system control Course

Knowledge of history and philosophy of power control systems.
Knowing methods of frequency regulations and automatic load-shedding.
Knowing methods of voltage regulation and control.
Knowing methods of correct synchronization.
Knowing methods of change-over to standby supply.
Knowing methods of safety automatic inter-lockings.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Electricity for Non-electrical
Employees Course

Simple knowledge of electricity production, transmission, and distribution for Non-electrical employees.
To facilitate better understanding between electrical engineers and other employees supporting their works.
To provide knowledge about electrical wiring, hazards, and protections inside houses.
To provide knowledge on electricity measurements and energy optimization inside houses.
To be able to purchase safe electrical appliances.

Dr. Ismail M. Widatalla

Online Courses
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