RVTEX is the official Website for Transtech Solutions Occupational Safety & Health Training & Consultants LLC.



  • Available 24/7 Worldwide
  • Around 48 hours of study + exam (can be completed in 2-6 months)
  • Ideal for those whose lifestyle needs a really flexible high-quality learning method

What Our Customers Are Saying

Our core values are at the heart of all that we do.

Senthil Kumar,
Al Husam

“Excellent explanation, giving more examples that helped me to understand about the topics“.

Dhavaseelan Sanikannu,
Al Husam

“I appreciate the tutor for his knowledge and for the brilliant explanations, Training room & refreshments quality was very good“.

Uvais K,
Experts E&I

“Very good interaction among participants &Tutor, everything is just good and satisfactory.
Keep it up“

Subbu Narasimman,
John Crane

“Provided useful videos about the topics that are most important for my job, I like to attend courses with TSL in future“.

Sreenath S,
Intertek Inspec

“All the parts discussed are very useful for my future, the experience & knowledge of the tutor which helps me to learn some new things“.

Sreesanth Asokan Chandrika,
Galfar Engineering

“I am extremely glad that each and everything was useful for me and for my better Understanding“.

Mohammed Sharif,

“Excellent way of explanations by the tutor, the video of Shah Accident was a good lesson for me as a JP“.

Changez Khan,
Khansaheb Hussain LLC

“The course was so beneficial for my job and career. The knowledge gained will support me in the future“.

Waqar Aziz,

“Very useful and interesting course, delivered in a very professional manner“.

Caleb Adebayo Adewuyi,

“This was a very useful and interesting training. The trainer was very experienced and the course was well presented“.

Syed Umer,
Khansaheb Hussain LLC

“A very good course that offers a completely new insight in PTW for all Job Performer“.

Manu Sunny,
Fourth Dimension Pipeline Services,

“Thank you for one of the best training events in many years. I left feeling very confident and informed in the area of Job Performer”.

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